Monday, December 8, 2014

A YouTube Slide Show of Spring Wildflowers

It's not too early to be thinking ahead to spring. Some of these ephemerals were photographed on March 11.

A special thanks to fellow blogger Keith Board, botanist, photographer, cabinet maker, carpenter, educator, friend, and field companion, who has been, and continues to be, a rich source of inspiration in my photographic and botanical pursuits.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

This is fabulous. Thanks for sharing. I love the bird calls as the music. I felt like I was on a field trip.

Pete said...

Thanks Lisa, I'm glad you liked it. One of my favorite things is the sound of woodland birds while photographing the spring wildflowers.

Keith Board said...

Wow, I feel like a king. Thank you very much Pete. Your kind words mean a lot to me and your friendship is priceless! It is always a thrill to see what new, fabulous photos you have captured, and you are an inspiration to me and so many others. Keep up the truly excellent work Pete. I'm looking forward to our next hike into the wilds! Thanks again.

Keith Board said...

You've outdone yourself (and the rest of us) yet again, Pete! This slideshow is stunning, superb, beautiful... there aren't superlatives good enough to describe it. I will be watching this when the January howlers make me wonder if Spring will ever come again. Thank you for sharing the artistry and technical perfection of these portraits with the rest of us. I am amazed and humbled.

Genius Biology. said...

For Asssignemnts and Notes of Botany and related fields

Plastic injection molding said...

One of my favorite things is the sound of woodland birds while photographing the spring wildflowers.