This tall and stately orchid is occasional in high-quality swamp forests behind the Indiana Dunes. It tends to grow in wet, mucky ground where Skunk Cabbage and Marsh Marigold put on a show earlier. It is also found in open, wet meadows. Populations fluctuate from year to year, but if you go to a known spot and search, it is sometimes possible to find a few.
Habenaria/Platanthera psycodes (Purple Fringed Orchid)
Good find Keith. I was begining to think that it did not really exist as I have been unable to find it yet this year.
Beautiful labellum, somehow reminds me of oncidium 'the dancing lady'..
This one, is it resupinate?
Yes, it is resupinate. The only orchid in Indiana that is not resupinate is Calopogon tuberosus.
Amazing! These grow too far north to see them here in Florida - just beautiful work, my friend! Keep it up!
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