While in a woods in Northern LaPorte County, Indiana yesterday, I found three different orchids in the genus Platanthera (aka Habenaria). The first is Platanthera clavellata. There were two plants in this colony, growing in mesophytic swamp forest under an overstory of Acer rubrum, Betula papyrifera, and Fagus grandifolia. Sassafras albidum and Quercus rubra seedlings were in the understory, with of Maianthemum canadense, Lycopodium complanatum v. flabelliforme, Gaultheria procumbens, and Rubus hispidus.

The second and third species were vegetative, and I'm not sure which species they are. Any help would be appreciated.
The second species was found in swamp forest under an overstory of Acer rubrum, Fraxinus pennsylvanica v. subintegerrima, and Ulmus americana. Understory associates included Quercus palustris, Lindera benzoin, Glyceria septentrionalis, Glyceria striata, Carex projecta, Carex intumescens, Carex sp. (maybe C. crinita - it did not have an inflorescence), Impatiens capensis, Pilea pumila, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Iris virginica v. shrevei, Sium suave, Onoclea sensibilis, and Boehmeria cylindrica. There were 4 plants at this location, and one additional plant within 15 feet. Keith Board and I have seen this plant here before, and our guesses are either P. psycodes or P. flava v. herbiola.
The third species was found along the edge of an excavated wet sand flat in successional forest. The overstory was comprised of Nyssa sylvatica and Acer rubrum, while the understory included Quercus rubra, Spiraea tomentosa v. rosea, Linum striatum, Panicum sp., Bartonia virginica, Vernonia sp., Lycopus rubellus, and Apios americana. There are several scattered plants along this edge. Keith and I have seen this plant here before as well, and our guess has always been P. lacera.