Monday, November 30, 2009
Plant Quiz - Scott is a Winner!
Good call Scott. It is Diervilla lonicera, the native Dwarf Honeysuckle. I don't think there's a shrub in North America that Scott and Justin don't know at a glance, even vegetatively!

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Plant quiz - Keith nails it.

Hi all. Thanks to Justin and Scott for telling me about this awesome blog, and thanks to Ben for setting me up as a contributor. I am a plant ecologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation. I get to spend my summers traipsing through the woods and training budding botanists to identify every plant they see, no matter how small or vegetative. I love it, and I'm not likely to get bored anytime soon, trying to learn all the plants in the Missouri Ozarks!
I photographed this specimen on November 1st of this year, in a dry-mesic woodland about a 1/2 mile from the Current River in Shannon County. Associated plants include Asimina triloba and Asarum canadense. It has a taproot. No odor.
Justin and Scott may NOT participate in this quiz: Justin identified the mystery plant for me at the botany slideshow.
Keith gave the very first guess and nailed it... it is the fall foliage of the biennial Osmorhiza claytonii, getting ready to bloom in spring. Obviously I'll have to pick a harder one next!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Botany Slideshow Extravaganza - A Recap
The 8th Annual Botany Slideshow Extravaganza took place in Salem, Missouri on 6-7 November 2009. Here, I will attempt to provide a recap of this outstanding event for those of you who couldn't make it. Every year, the slideshow gets better, and this year's event certainly followed this trend.
Unfortunately, my photos of the slides shown below don't do justice to the quality of the slides or the presentations. As they always say, you just had to be there.
Paul and Allison then showed informal slideshows of their recent trip to quality natural areas in Texas and Louisiana, followed by even more informal slideshows by Justin and me. There was plenty of plant talk, and we looked at numerous pressed plant specimens. We were also treated to a tremendous pulled pork dinner with all the fixings during the slideshow.
I think the final slide of Doug's slideshow pretty much sums it up...
Special thanks goes out to Dana and Justin for hosting the best botany slideshow yet. I can't wait to see how we can possibly make it even better next year.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Quiz Time!! JohnnyHank Nails It!!
JohnnyHank says it is Strophostyles helvula. Librarian or not, that is the right answer. Here is a photograph of the flower.
Some of you may be asking yourself "Doesn't Strophostyles helvula have lobate lateral leaflets?". That is where I was a bit tricky. This is actually S. helvula var. missouriensis which lacks the lobes on the lateral leaflets (the typical variety has lobed leaflets).
Vegetatively the genus Strophostyles can be distinguish from Amphicarpaea bracteata, which it most resembles, by its erect stipules. Amphicarpaea looks exactly like Strophostyles helvula var. missouriensis but has appressed stipules. By clicking on the photo above you can see the stipules in the enlarged version. They are perpendicular to the stem.
Lesson learned; Librarians make great botanist. If only it worked both ways.
Thanks to everyone for playing!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What's This? Justin Knows!
I recently posted this photograph as a plant quiz...

It is difficult to post a quiz on this blog that lasts more than a day without an answer. Justin correctly identified the mystery seedling in the photograph above as Penthorum sedoides. Ditch Stonecrop, as it is commonly known, is native to wet meadows, marshes, ditches, and muddy shores throughout the eastern half of North America, and has been introduced in the Pacific Northwest. Once accepted as a member of the family Saxifragaceae, it seems that most authorities now place this interesting plant in the family Crassulaceae; some even put it the Penthoraceae. As this species matures, it produces greenish-white, inconspicuous flowers; the flowers develop into attractive reddish follicles with spreading beaks, shown below. Penthorum means "five-mark," a reference to the five-parted flowers, and sedoides means "resembling Sedum."
It is difficult to post a quiz on this blog that lasts more than a day without an answer. Justin correctly identified the mystery seedling in the photograph above as Penthorum sedoides. Ditch Stonecrop, as it is commonly known, is native to wet meadows, marshes, ditches, and muddy shores throughout the eastern half of North America, and has been introduced in the Pacific Northwest. Once accepted as a member of the family Saxifragaceae, it seems that most authorities now place this interesting plant in the family Crassulaceae; some even put it the Penthoraceae. As this species matures, it produces greenish-white, inconspicuous flowers; the flowers develop into attractive reddish follicles with spreading beaks, shown below. Penthorum means "five-mark," a reference to the five-parted flowers, and sedoides means "resembling Sedum."
Monday, November 2, 2009
Diplazium pycnocarpon, formerly Athyrium pycnocarpon
Good call, Scott and John! Diplazium pycnocarpon it is, also known as Glade Fern or Narrow-leaved Spleenwort. In northern Indiana this exceedingly rare native grows in rich mesophytic woods, in deep humus and deep shade. It has a special affinity for those rich riparian bottoms that don't get scoured bare by filthy water gushing in torrents from denuded uplands every time it rains. Fertile blades are rare and emerge in late summer.
Henry David Thoreau said, "Nature made ferns for pure leaves, to show what she could do in that line." Well said, and noted!
Henry David Thoreau said, "Nature made ferns for pure leaves, to show what she could do in that line." Well said, and noted!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
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