One of the most extraordinary people ever to have lived was Charles Clemon Deam, a self-taught botanist from
Just outside his hometown of
North of the town square in Bluffton there is a street named “
In addition to being a phenomenal botanist, state forester, and manager of his own herbarium and arboretum, Deam was a drugstore owner. His store was located at

Deam’s prosperous and productive life spanned nearly a century: he lived from 1865 to 1953. His influence on
The legendary Floyd Swink of
On a recent visit to my local library (sometime in the fall of 2010), I was walking past the magazine racks and there was Charles Deam on the cover of the "Traces," a magazine published by the Indiana Historical Society. The article inside was very nicely written, and there were a few more pictures of Mr. Deam that I had not seen before.
When I was in college at
At the end of my recent Bluffton visit, I stopped for a sandwich as I was heading out of town. Three young people (maybe mid-20’s) were working, and I asked if they knew who Charles Deam was. One of them replied, “
In conclusion, here are a few of my favorite Charlie Deam quotes, in no particular order:
“It is the little things we can do for others that makes life worth while.”
“I do hate a lazy person. A lazy person ordinarily is a liar and a thief, too.”
“I shall never forget my toughest day. I started down a newly graded road (all roads unknown to me at that early date) of 4 miles. In the 4 miles I had to change tires three times. Inner tubes in those days were very poor quality. It was in the fall of the year with a strong wind and drizzling rain. I was from about 9:00 A.M. until dark making the 4 miles and I doubt if a single vehicle passed me that day…. I wanted to get off this road and when I did I drove into a woods and the car scarcely got over the side ditch when I was “in” to the hubs. So I just camped there that night but I did get out my stove and make some coffee to help me get down my bread and peanut butter.”
“…I got well in spite of the M.D’s.”
“…I have spent all my time on something I consider worthwhile. In so doing you meet a lot of opposition.“
“We have too many dishonest and ignorant men in political places.”
“Old General Debility will give the commands, and believe me, you will obey.”
“I understand they are strongly recommending now that all the old cemeteries be planted with multiflora rose. When Gabriel sounds his horn, I am afraid some will be stranded and not be able to get thru the roses. Please do not recommend the multiflora rose except for the bonfire.”
“Friesner, you collect grasses like a cow.”
“…I did my darnedest, and in it you have my measure.”
“I am just plain ol' Charlie Deam and I never want anyone to think anything else.”
Wonderful. Thanks Keith.
It's also worth mentioning that Indiana has a manufactured lake and corresponding state rec. area named after him.
Thanks Steve! Lots of plants are named after him too.
Thanks for the well written and researched glimpse at such a remarkable man. Deam had a kind of field sense that is sorely lacking in today's practitioners. I only hope that 50 years from now some young buck of a botanist tracks down the haunts and hideaways of one Keith Board. The wealth of photographic and botanical recording you have amassed is no small contribution to society, sir.
Agreed... excellent post, Keith. It is a shame that it seems Charlie Deam is remembered by the Bluffton youth only as a road; hopefully those three young people will remember what you told them and pass on to their friends that Charles Deam Court was named in honor of such an amazing person.
To add a couple of notes about Deam that are amongst my favorites:
"Up at dawn with a full day in the field and on the road writing his notes at night by the light of a kerosene lantern, Charlie often squeezed two days of work into twenty-four hours without ever noticing Saturday, Sunday, or holiday." - from Plain Ol' Charlie Deam
"'I was trying to live on four to six hours of sleep,' Charlie said. 'This can be done, but few people can take it, and then only for a limited time. Man, how I did work - like an idiot. Well, by the second year my health broke and I spent a vacation of seven weeks in Florida. I learned that one must vacation to put in as many hours as I did.'
In his months as a fledgling druggist, wilting from tension, he did figure out a way to nap for short periods during the work day. He considered the most beneficial part of a nap to be the process of relaxing and falling asleep; the rest a waste of time. So stretching out on a cot in a back room of the store, he would hold in his hand, over the side of the cot, a laundry iron, close his eyes, and count sheep. When he fell asleep, his limp hand would drop the iron. The loud clank was his alarm clock, and he would spring up, puffy eyed, ready for work again." - from Plain Ol' Charlie Deam
"Doubtless sometimes you wish to call someone a mean name. Well I have found it. Just call him a sunflower. That combines all that is needed. The brutes have no principles, guided by no laws, and seem to be free for alls." - Charlie Deam to Paul Weatherwax, as printed in Ed Voss' Michigan Flora
"[Floyd Swink] recalls taking Charles Deam to 17th & Whitcomb streets in Gary, Lake County, Indiana, in the late 1940's. When he was shown the Indian Paintbrush stretching for blocks into the distance, he said: 'I have collected in every township in the state of Indiana; I am now in my eighties; this is the finest Indiana natural area I have ever seen in my life.'" - from Plants of the Chicago Region, entry on Castilleja coccinea
And now to touch on Justin's comment. When Keith responds to these comments that he is not worthy of such praise, don't believe him. All one needs to do is to flip through the pages of Plants of the Chicago Region to see the incredible contribution to understanding our flora that Keith has provided. No one has an eye for "rare weeds" like Keith. And his wealth of knowledge of the location of natural areas in northwest Indiana is unmatched... it really is a shame that we live in such close proximity to one another but that our schedules are so difficult to coordinate to get into the field together. I still remember the first slide show that Keith came to, and how cool I thought it was to have someone of Keith's caliber attending our insignificant event; and his photos are among the best. Thanks, Keith, for your contributions to understanding the Great Lakes flora... and thanks, Charlie, for giving us all something to strive for.
Prescient advice about multiflora rose.
Thanks Justin and Scott (two of the best in the business) for the many kind words, none of which I deserve. Now stop it, I'm getting verklempt!
The detritus under the tree clearly shows leaves with the influence of Q. macrocarpa. The parentage is now believed to be Q. macrocarpa x Q. muehlenbergii. Do you have a digital version of this photo and maybe one of the original tree with a close up of foliage and acorns if possible that I can use for Trees and Shrubs Online?
Allen, the author of this post, Keith Board, passed away in 2019. His wife has also since passed. I can try to contact his son to see if he would have any digital images that his father took on his visit to Bluffton, IN. Please let us know where to send the images if we're able to get them.
Scott Namestnik
any images you can find would be useful. They need to be of good resolution, at least 1600 pixels on one side, and I need to know the name of the photographer for the credit and the date taken.
Scott Elzey has offered to take some photos for me but we can use several. Any images can be sent to or the gmail address.
Thanks Allen. I'll see what I can do.
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