The halcyon days of early autumn have yielded many delightful hours in the field. Here are a few recent photos. Please help identify the bugs!
Fen Thistle, Cirsium muticum, looking like a fireworks display, only cleaner, quieter, and far better-smelling. Have you experienced the tactile wonder of the involucre on this plant?
Shining Aster, Aster puniceus var. firmus with some unknown bug wearing an elegant fur coat. PETA would be outraged.
Shining Aster, Aster puniceus var. firmus, with what appears to be an American Hover Fly.
Fen Thistle, Cirsium muticum, with a Silver Spotted Skipper.
"I leave the towns behind and I am lost in some boundless heath, and life becomes gradually more tolerable, if not even glorious." Henry David Thoreau
Nice photos, Keith!
Common Buckeyes are interesting butterflies. From what I understand, they are typically more southern, but they have erruption years when they are more common further north. If that's the case, this is truly one of those years, as I've seen them everywhere this year.
Could your unknown bug on Aster puniceus var. firmus possibly be a robber fly in the genus Laphria? Just a guess.
As Justin can attest, while sampling Chilton Creek in Missouri, we were often watched intently by "The Observer." We were sure it was an alien, not an insect. Lo and behold, it turns out it was a hover fly. They are quite fun to watch.
You'd better watch your back, Namestnik. They're listening.
Yes, Namestnik, we are in fact watching you...
Oh, crap!
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