Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Green in Winter: Deeproot Clubmoss

Lycopodium tristachyum is pretty difficult to find in Indiana. It does show up occasionally in acid sand flats that have a thin, scrubby growth of trees. Photographed in LaPorte County on January 1, 2013. 


  1. You probably won't like this any more than I did, but this species has been transferred to the genus Diphasiastrum according to the new Flora of North America. Lycopodium got fragmented so had quite a few folders to relabel. And a memory bank to reprogram, which is much harder to do.

  2. Thanks Scott. I'll keep trying but I'm about to lose my freedom. Work resumes in a few days.

  3. Thanks Phytophactor. Yes, reprogramming my memory bank is getting to be more of a challenge every year.
