Sunday, March 11, 2012

Snow Trillium!

On Saturday, March 10, Trillium nivale was flowering on a steep, southwest-facing slope in the Kokiwanee Nature Preserve, Wabash County, Indiana. Most plants were just in bud but a few were wide open, with pollen visible on the anthers.


  1. The snow trillium are really starting to pop in southern Ohio. Saw dozens in bloom this past Wednesday in Adams county, OH. Spring has sprung!

  2. Beautiful!! I will romp around and have a looksee in my woods to see what's happening here in Boston. I know that we don't tend to have too many spring ephemerals out here, but in western Mass they abound. Perhaps I shall plan a trip.

  3. Yes, A.L., spring really has sprung - about a month early where I live!!

    Thanks Jenny! Have a wonderful trip full of enchanting discoveries, and by all means let us know what you find!
