Thursday, March 22, 2012

Plant Quiz

Does anyone recognize this plant? I don't know what it is, but hopefully some of you can provide a name. It's not aromatic at all, but is it an Artemisia? It grows in vacant lots in South Bend, Indiana and is probably a garden escape, but I don't study cultivated plants. I seem to recall seeing it in flower beds somewhere.



  1. No, not Hydrophyllum, no spots on the leaves, but nothing is ringing a bell right now.

  2. At first glance, I thought some sort of weedy Geraniaceae, but hard to say.

  3. Cursed Crowfoot or some other Ranunculus?? No idea, just a shot from left field.

  4. Possibly Artemisia vulgaris, Mugwort? Very hard to kill.

  5. Like Furious Designs, I also thought Geraniaceae. Come to think of it, why not young Erodium cicutarium?

  6. Maybe I'm confused by the scale, but this doesn't strike me as Erodium cicutarium. My first instinct was an Artemisia.

  7. It was growing with Erodium cicutarium, and seeing them in proximity removed Erodium as a possibility. I'm still leaning toward Artemisia, and my plan is to keep an eye on it throughout the season. Hopefully I can post pictures of it flowering sometime this summer. Thanks for all the help!
