Saturday, March 3, 2012

Green in Winter: Plant Quiz Solved! Blephilia hirsuta

Good call Nate! It is Blephilia hirsuta, Wood Mint. This plant is often associated with alluvial soils and slopes in mesic woodland. The leaves have a very appealing aroma when crushed.

Posted previously:
This plant was photographed on a slope above the Eel River in Miami County, Indiana in mid-February, 2012. Can you identify it? Feel free to name the plant or just take a guess!


  1. looks kind of mint-y

    maybe Stachys or Teucrium?

  2. All good thoughts, but it is not Stachys or Teucrium.

  3. Monarda fistulosa is another very good thought, but no, it's not that either. A few clues:

    1. The site is forested.
    2. The crushed leaves smell VERY good!

  4. Blephilia hirsuta - hairy wood mint?

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