Monday, February 20, 2012

Cardamine douglassii - Spring Cress

Today in central Indiana I was startled to see Spring Cress with a single open flower right near the basal leaves. Remarkable! Photographed in Wabash County, Indiana on February 20, 2012.


  1. It really has been quite a crazy winter hasn't it? I've already seen Erigenia bulbosa, Hepatica acutiloba, Symplocarpus foetidus, Acer saccharum, A. saccharinum in flower and even some Trillium nivale mere days away from blooming in extreme southern Ohio (Adams county). Let's just cross our fingers and hope for this trend to continue and not have a harsh March which kills back the onslaught of the spring ephemerals!

  2. I agree it would be sad to see all this get frozen, but it's very likely to happen. In fact, last year it was tough to get decent photos of spring ephemerals where I live because many were frost damaged.
