Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis

This common member of the Poppy family nearly always eludes my camera. It flowers briefly and the tepals fall of early and easily. Today I was fortunate to find a few colonies in good shape for photos. With this post I would like to honor the memory of my 4th grade teacher, Melvin Gutzler, who took my class to the woods and introduced us to the spring ephemerals. This simple and inexpensive field trip stirred in me a curious fascination about wild plants, which continues over four decades later. As a student of the flora, I have spent many, many delightful hours in quality natural areas. Thank you, Mr. Gutzler!!


  1. Great photos, Keith. I wish I had learned about plants in 4th grade. There isn't nearly enough of that in schools these days. My first real experience with native plants and natural areas was in college, but it wasn't until after graduation that I became intimately familiar with them.

  2. The second photo is about as good a photo of bloodroot I've ever seen!

  3. Thanks guys, for the many kind words! I agree that young kids should have outdoor experiences - a variety of them, as often as possible.

    Anne Sullivan, who was Helen Keller's profoundly excellent teacher, said "Let us lead them, then, during the first years they are entrusted to our care, to find their greatest pleasure in nature, by training them to notice everything familiar or strange in our walks with them through the fields, the woods on the hilltops, or by the seashore. The child who loves and appreciates the wonders of the outdoor world will never have room in his heart for the mean and low." Well said, and noted!
