Friday, November 12, 2010

Fruity Quiz: Apios americana!

Scott nailed it!!

First I thought this quiz would be too easy. Then I feared it was too difficult. I took the photo because I, just like Scott, had never seen Apios americana fruits. Evidently they are quite rare or at least overlooked.

The photo below has a few persistent leaflets if you want some confirmation on the ID. Thanks to everyone for participating.


  1. Strophyostyles helvola ?

  2. Good guess, but it is not Strophostyles helvola.

  3. Mmmm....the common bean. So versatile, so delicious. But not the correct answer.

  4. oh wait we are going for the herbaceous plant, sorry

  5. Good one, Tony. You had me for going for about two seconds. Unfortunately you're wrong either way.

  6. Sorry, EMP. It isn't Wisteria macrostachya either.

  7. When I was initially looking at the photos, Lindsay said... "It's a green bean. That would be hilarious if Justin posted a green bean as a quiz." At the time, I couldn't come up with anything better, so I asked if she wanted to guess Phaseolus vulgaris and she did.

    I've spent some more time running this through keys, and I think this is Apios americana. Amazingly, I don't think I've ever seen this species in fruit, and I wouldn't have thought that its fruit would look so much like a green bean, but some internet searches show me that in fact, they do.

  8. Scott nailed it! See the edited post for details.

  9. Wow, I've been schooled! I have never seen this plant in fruit. Of all the legumes, Apios americana would have been my last guess. Good quiz!
