Saturday, December 12, 2009

And the winner is...

Justin, with his quick call of Juncus stygius. Not that he was aided by past conversations...

This tiny boreal rush is known from a few locations in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, where it occurs on floating poor fen ("bog") mats and in flarks within large patterned peatland complexes.


  1. What the flark are you talking about?

    I actually had forgotten that you mentioned this species to me until I arrived at an identification, at which point I thought "Didn't Brad mention this species a while back". This recollection did seal the deal post priori.

    Further, I was under great pressure to beat Scott to the punch.

    Lastly, that is now my favorite Juncus. What a beauty! A trip to the UP is in order.

  2. You know, I figured this plant would eventually trigger your memory that I mentioned this species when we talked...but, I figured you wouldn't immediately remember that or jump to that conclusion, so it was a safe play. Nice work!
