Sunday, July 12, 2009

Symbiosis at Cressmoor Prairie

The amazing dedication, hard work, and financial contributions of people at the Shirley Heinze Land Trust make scenes like these possible. Plants and animals are surviving and hopefully flourishing! All three photos are from Sunday, July 12 at Cressmoor Prairie Nature Preserve in Hobart. It is Indiana's largest remnant of black soil prairie!
Asclepias sullivantii (Prairie Milkweed)
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamont) and Silver-Spotted Skipper
Asclepias incarnata (Swamp Milkweed) and Great Golden Digger Wasp


  1. That's how they say it in Romanian. In English it is, "Very interested in the topic you posted, I looked at your blog and liked what I saw. I will definitely be back.
    Good day!"

  2. We have wild milkweeds and the bergamot growing in the Black Hills, two wildflowers I enjoy seeing and photographing...nice to see your photos of them.

  3. Amazing photos, Keith. I'm glad to see you're back in the field!
