Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blazing Stars!

Thoreau once said, "How early in the year it begins to be late." I always think of this when Blazing Stars and Goldenrods begin their summer show.

Marsh Blazing Star, which seems to grow in prairies and savannas more than marshes, was beginning to flower at Ober Savanna Nature Preserve in Starke County, Indiana. It was being frequented by a Skipper of some type (maybe a Dun Skipper). Thanks, Kirk, for pointing out that it's a Skipper, and that it's a butterfly, not a moth.

Liatris spicata (Marsh Blazing Star)

On low dunes in Gary, Indiana there were thousands of Cylindrical Blazing Stars in bud, and two were already in flower on a south-facing slope. In a week or two it should be spectacular.

Liatris cylindracea (Cylindrical Blazing Star)

1 comment:

  1. It's a skipper,which is a butterfly. I'm not sure of the species. I'm leaning towards a European Skipper, but I'm not sure.
