Monday, March 2, 2009

Frozen Fronds

Yesterday's failed search for signs of spring was a chilly one, but there was beauty in the forest, even so. This is good old Christmas Fern, Polystichum acrostichoides, one of many plants that are green all winter. I enjoyed seeing it embedded in ice, but have to admit I'm ready for a break from ice and snow. These are not DSLR pictures.

1 comment:

  1. DSLR or not, those a nice photos.

    It is nice to know there is some green out there. We have a few inches of snow still on the ground and I can hear spring peepers calling from the pond.
    Last week the peeper singing reached a fever pitch just a thunderstorm was rolling in at sundown. It was a momment you could never capture on film or with the written word, but it seemed as if the frogs were summonsing the storm. Such a scene makes one understand how the natives could believed in the rain dance.
