Monday, January 5, 2009

It's January 5... Happy Birthday to....

What famous botanist and birder, who spent plenty of time in the Great Lakes Region and also some time in Missouri, was born on this day in history?


  1. Wow! I really appreciate that Scott, but my birthday is January 8th. Not the 5th.

    Ooooohhhhh.....wait a minute! It's Scott's birthday!

    Congratulations, buddy! I'll have a beer in your honor.

  2. Well, I didn't have the wrong date, and I did say "famous," so it's not me either. Thanks for the compliment and birthday wishes though. It's nice to share a birthday with this person.

  3. It seemed like a shameless self-promotion, but I was willing to go along for the ride.

    George Washington Carver died on January 5th. But the only famous botanist/birder that cruised Missouri and the Great Lakes has to be Thomas Nuttall. His journal of travels up the Arkansas river is awesome.
