Monday, December 29, 2008

An Ancient Quiz

Here is the latest quiz plant. Given the inherent generalities of paleobotany, genus will be fine.


  1. Looks like an Ocotillo but I'm going to guess Lepidodendron.

  2. Whoops! I meant Cholla, not Ocotillo!

  3. Hey! I recognize that rocky plant :). I actually just located it again myself amongst the heaps of stuff.

  4. Justin!

    an unrelated question. I was wondering about the family game yall have been talking about. ben mentioned it in the blog but I couldn't figure out how to write him. I found three today!! It's 76 degrees in Hot Springs. Yikes!

  5. Hey, Virginia!

    Though no one has formally announced it, the posting of plant families can begin anytime. As you may know, all you have to do is post a photo and say where it is from. Only "wild" plants apply.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Where did you took this picture and why you name it as a quiz? Is it kind of a real ancient words or something?
